Volunteer Research
E-mail me with your name, your e-mail address, the name of the lookup you are willing to do
(and author if it is a publication), and a brief description.
The following people are willing to help with research in
Cíbola County.. Beside each person's name is the
publication, index, or database that they are willing to do
a lookup in.
Feel free to request research from any of the following.
Please limit your request to one name per request. Please
put CÍBOLA COUNTY RESEARCH in the subject line of your
request to ensure the message is not overlooked or
accidently deleted. In the first line of the message please
put the name of the item you are requesting the research in.
Also, if you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for his or her time. . .
Research Source
Acoma & Laguna Pueblo Baptism
Records-- c/o Acoma Catholic Mission, Post Office Box 448, Acoma, NM 87034; 505/552.6403 |
Fr. Antonio Trujillo
E-mail me with your name, your e-mail address, the name of the lookup you are willing to do
(and author if it is a publication), and a brief description.